"Urodynamics." Paul Abrams. 3d Edition. 2006

Urodynamics. P.Abrams. 3rd.ed. 2006Urodynamics (greek. "uron" urine + "dynamics" related to the strength, power) - the process of excretion urine from the body as a result of the coordinated activity of the renal calyces, pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra. It will be foolish to say that urodynamics is only associated with urinary incontinence. Urodynamics is huge field of Urology, which explores and explains the patterns of urine excretion process at all levels of the urinary system. Urodynamics is a quite complex science, however, the understanding of urodynamic laws helps explain almost all urological diseases and complications associated with them. That is why, urodynamics is a basic discipline in the preparation of the future urologist.

This guidance, published under the editorship of Paul Abrams, professor of urology at the University of Bristol, the founder of the International Continence Society (ICS), covers all the currently available knowledge in this area. The book describes not only the urinary excretion patterns, as well as methods for their determination and research. Given material is useful for urologists and gynecologists, pediatricians, geriatricians and neurologists.
This guidance can be downloaded here


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