"Urology: National Guidance". Lopatkin N.A. (edit.) 2009.

 "Урология: Национальное руководство". Лопаткин Н.А. (ред.) 2009г.This guidance is intended for urologists, nephrologists, andrologists, anesthesiologists, senior students of medical universities, interns, residents, graduate students. National guidance of urology includes modern and up to date information about the diagnosis and treatment of major urological diseases. The textbook contains basic information about the curation (general examination, diagnostics), the clinical picture of various urological pathologies, techniques and tactics of treatment of urological diseases. The variants of anesthesia, intensive care algorithms, the use of pharmacological drugs, various methods of surgical intervention with a detailed explanation of each stage (laparoscopic, open pit) are described. Separate sections are dedicated to the diagnostic methods used in urology and andrology.


Download the guidance here.

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